Helene Louise Nissen, 1884–1945 (60 år gammel)
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- Helene Louise /Nissen/
Født | 4. januar 1884
26 Note: ao 91.7 |
Brors fødsel | Hugo Peter Nissen 10. januar 1886 (2 år gammel) Note: ao 99.8 |
Brors fødsel | Peter Ludvig Nissen 11. april 1888 (4 år gammel) Note: ao 108.23 |
Brors dødsfald | Hugo Peter Nissen 31. december 1888 (4 år gammel) |
Brors fødsel | Hugo Carl Nissen 26. november 1890 (6 år gammel) Note: ao 118.50 |
Brors dødsfald | Peter Ludvig Nissen 19. november 1893 (9 år gammel) |
Brors fødsel | Peter Adelbert Nissen 29. april 1894 (10 år gammel) Note: ao 131.14 |
Søns fødsel | Christian Carl Lorentzen 31. oktober 1904 (20 år gammel) |
Datters fødsel | Louise Cathrine Lorentzen 30. april 1906 (22 år gammel) Note: ao 173.16 |
Datters dødsfald | Louise Cathrine Lorentzen 3. juni 1906 (22 år gammel) |
Søns fødsel | Carl Lorentzen 19. juni 1907 (23 år gammel) |
Datters fødsel | Louise Cathrina Lorentzen 12. juni 1908 (24 år gammel) Note: ao 183.29 |
Datters dødsfald | Louise Cathrina Lorentzen 15. juli 1908 (24 år gammel) |
Søns fødsel | Ludvig Lorentzen 4. juli 1909 (25 år gammel) Note: ao 188.25 |
Søns fødsel | Heinrich Lorenzen 27. september 1910 (26 år gammel) |
Datters fødsel | Meta Louise Lorenzen 22. februar 1913 (29 år gammel) |
Mors død | Louise Margrethe von Wildenrath 22. august 1913 (29 år gammel) Note: ao 127..27 |
Datters dødsfald | Meta Louise Lorenzen 12. september 1921 (37 år gammel) |
Fars død | Hans Carl August Nissen 2. februar 1924 (40 år gammel) Note: ao 139.3 |
Død | 19. december 1940 (56 år gammel) |
Ægtemands dødsfald | Christian Hansen Lorentzen 23. marts 1945 (0 efter dødsfald) Note: ao 13.3 |
Ægtemands begravelse | Christian Hansen Lorentzen 29. marts 1945 (0 efter dødsfald) |
Død | 1945 (60 år gammel) |
far |
Født: 20. marts 1853
34 — Jyndevad, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 2. februar 1924 — Burkal |
mor | |
Ægteskab | Ægteskab — — |
hende selv |
Født: 4. januar 1884
26 — Jyndevad, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 1945 |
2 år
lillebror |
Født: 10. januar 1886
28 — Jyndevad, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 31. december 1888 |
2 år
lillebror |
Født: 11. april 1888
30 — Jyndevad, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 19. november 1893 |
3 år
lillebror |
Født: 26. november 1890
32 — Jyndevad, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 1968 — Canada |
4 år
lillebror |
Født: 29. april 1894
36 — St. Jyndevad, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 1. marts 1947 — Statshospitalet, Sønderborg |
ægtemand |
Født: 21. december 1875 — Sotterup, Bylderup sogn Død: 23. marts 1945 — St. Jyndevad, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt |
hende selv |
Født: 4. januar 1884
26 — Jyndevad, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 1945 |
søn |
Født: 31. oktober 1904
20 — Rens, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt |
18 måneder
datter |
Født: 30. april 1906
22 — Rens, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 3. juni 1906 |
14 måneder
søn |
1 år
datter |
Født: 12. juni 1908
24 — Rens, Burkal sogn, Tønder amt Død: 15. juli 1908 |
13 måneder
søn |
15 måneder
søn |
2 år
datter |
Født: 22. februar 1913
29 — Bajstrup/Tinglev Død: 12. september 1921 — Jyndevad, Burkal |
søn |
søn |
søn |
Født | ao 91.7 |
Note | Hi Kaj, yes please do show Svend Jacobsen what I have given you. As I mentioned in my other note just momentarily ago, I will follow up with more of my own family details. As for preserving Peder Troelsen's tombstone, if the names of more Canadia n descendents would be of assistance, I can email those with whom I have contact and ask them if I can share their names with you. Do you have a list of what information you might require for each of Troels Winther's descendents to assist in Svend 's project? Should I ask Claus Bruun if I can share his email address with you? He lives in Denmark but I've either forgotten where or he never told me. Similarly to how I found you, I stumbled across Clause's tree on Google a few months ago so I sent hi m a note and he responded.. I see what you have shown for us. It looks good. Grandpa's sister Helene had 7 sons plus 3 daughters that died young. Here is a list I got from Knud. All are gone now; I might have their death dates somewhere so will send them along when I can. If I say I will do something and forget, please re mind me! The daughter of Helene's youngest son, Alfred, lives in Canada. She moved here with her husband and young family in 1988. Her brother lives in Graasten and her sister lives in Germany. We met her brother in 2019 because we overlapped ou r trip with Margot and her husband. I made contact recently with Knud's help with Grandpa's brother Peter's granddaughter. She lives in Denmark too. A few of my Canadian cousins have been paying to preserve Ole Marinus Steffensen and Jensine (nee Larsen) Steffensen's gravestone at the Hæstrup Kirke for a number of years. Jensine died in 1919 so at one point we were told when it reached 100 ye ars old, we wouldn't have to pay any longer. But, by the time 2019 arrived, the church said we still had to pay. Last year though, for some reason, either the pandemic or some bank rule....I couldn't send a draft in DKK. Instead, I had to sen d a draft in Euros. By the time the draft cleared the French bank that clears such things in Europe, the cemetery manager at the Hæstrup Kirke told me the church only received 1/3 of the total. Two thirds of the draft was consumed by fees! So th e cemetery manager decided not to invoice us for 2022 and will keep an eye to try to protect their stone. I'm not completely comfortable with this plan; I'd rather pay my dues, but I cannot seem to determine a way that the service fees will not ea t up the funds. One cousin that used to collect from us and pay the cemetery used PayPal but I'm not 'brave' enough to go that route - yet. I might have to if the bank never starts again to sell bank drafts in DKK. There are other cousins in Denma rk but I feel they are likely already paying to protect their own parents so we haven't asked them to contribute. Here in Canada, graves are never disturbed for reuse - but we have much more land than Denmark! We visited my great grandparent s at Hæstrup Kirke in 2019 and placed a little Canadian flag in front of their stone. We asked the cemetery manager to remove it when it looks tired and worn. Well, I will go for now, Our little one will be waking soon! Best wishes, Donna (22/10 2021) |