Anna Cecilie Høffding, 17911861 (aged 70 years)

Birth April 19, 1791 42 24
Birth of a brotherJens Brandt Høffding
1795 (aged 3 years)

Birth of a brotherOle Carl Høffding
1797 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a sisterSusanne Jacobine Høffding
December 14, 1800 (aged 9 years)
Birth of a sisterLucie Emerentze Høffding
June 15, 1805 (aged 14 years)
Death of a fatherDaniel Høffding
February 7, 1810 (aged 18 years)

MarriageJulianus HastrupView this family
November 24, 1813 (aged 22 years)

Birth of a daughterJensine Cecilie Hastrup
November 1, 1814 (aged 23 years)
Birth of a daughterDanieline Clausine Hastrup
September 21, 1815 (aged 24 years)
Birth of a sonFrederik Anton Hastrup
July 31, 1816 (aged 25 years)
Note: ao 5.5
Birth of a daughterWilhelmine Kirstine Hastrup
September 28, 1817 (aged 26 years)
Note: ao 3.8
Death of a daughterWilhelmine Kirstine Hastrup
October 4, 1817 (aged 26 years)

Birth of a sonFrantz Adolph Wilhelm Hastrup
December 31, 1818 (aged 27 years)
Birth of a daughterWilhelmine Hastrup
October 14, 1820 (aged 29 years)
Birth of a sonJens Carl Hastrup
October 10, 1821 (aged 30 years)
Birth of a daughterJacobine Henriette Hastrup
February 1, 1823 (aged 31 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherJens Brandt
February 17, 1823 (aged 31 years)
Birth of a daughterJuliane Hastrup
April 28, 1824 (aged 33 years)
Birth of a sonChristopher Ludvig Hastrup
July 21, 1825 (aged 34 years)
Birth of a daughterLucie Marie Hastrup
July 28, 1826 (aged 35 years)
Death of a daughterJacobine Henriette Hastrup
August 18, 1826 (aged 35 years)
Birth of a sonJens Hastrup
December 6, 1827 (aged 36 years)
Birth of a sonHendrik Jacob Hastrup
March 3, 1829 (aged 37 years)
Death of a sonHendrik Jacob Hastrup
April 19, 1829 (aged 38 years)

Birth of a daughterHenriette Jacobine Hastrup
September 3, 1830 (aged 39 years)
Marriage of a childSeverin Adrian BojesenJensine Cecilie HastrupView this family
May 20, 1834 (aged 43 years)
Birth of a daughterAnna Cæcilie Hastrup
May 30, 1836 (aged 45 years)
Death of a daughterAnna Cæcilie Hastrup
May 6, 1837 (aged 46 years)

Marriage of a childFrederik Anton HastrupChristine Jørgine PilegaardView this family
April 17, 1846 (aged 54 years)

Marriage of a childPeter Krog Meyer AndersenWilhelmine HastrupView this family
June 4, 1846 (aged 55 years)
Marriage of a childFrantz Adolph Wilhelm HastrupMathilde Olivia KeilgaardView this family
October 28, 1847 (aged 56 years)
Death of a motherSøster Clausine Brandt
August 16, 1848 (aged 57 years)
Marriage of a childOtto Christian HammerHenriette Jacobine HastrupView this family
February 23, 1851 (aged 59 years)
Marriage of a childJens Carl HastrupZafidia Anatolia PilegaardView this family
April 27, 1852 (aged 61 years)
Marriage of a childJohan Friderich OrtmannJuliane HastrupView this family
December 28, 1855 (aged 64 years)
Marriage of a childJohan Fredrik PlesnerLucie Marie HastrupView this family
April 3, 1856 (aged 64 years)
Marriage of a childChristopher Ludvig HastrupSophie Emilie Nielsine von HedemannView this family
March 2, 1858 (aged 66 years)

Death October 31, 1861 (aged 70 years)
Family with parents
Marriage MarriageNovember 8, 1786
14 months
elder sister
4 years
elder sister
16 months
5 years
younger brother
Birth: 1795 46 28
Death: February 25, 1873
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
Family with Julianus Hastrup
Marriage MarriageNovember 24, 1813
11 months
Birth: November 1, 1814 34 23Tybrind, Ørslev sogn på Fyn
Death: September 5, 1874Valsølillegård og -sogn
11 months
Birth: September 21, 1815 35 24Tybrind, Ørslev sogn på Fyn
Death: February 12, 1892
10 months
Birth: July 31, 1816 36 25Tybrind, Ørslev sogn, Odense amt
Death: April 6, 1869
14 months
Birth: September 28, 1817 37 26Tybrind, Ørslev sogn på Fyn
Death: October 4, 1817
15 months
Birth: December 31, 1818 38 27Tybrind, Ørslev sogn på Fyn
Death: October 27, 1884Rødbjerghavn, Fodslette sogn
22 months
Birth: October 14, 1820 40 29Tybrind, Ørslev sogn på Fyn
Death: May 22, 1909
1 year
16 months
Birth: February 1, 1823 42 31Tybrind, Ørslev sogn på Fyn
Death: August 18, 1826Hjortholm, Fodslette sogn
15 months
15 months
Birth: July 21, 1825 45 34Hjortholm, Fodslette sogn
Death: October 19, 1888
1 year
Birth: July 28, 1826 46 35Hjortholm, Fodslette sogn
Death: June 5, 1868Hjortholm, Flodslette sogn
17 months
15 months
Birth: March 3, 1829 48 37Hjortholm, Fodslette sogn
Death: April 19, 1829
18 months
Birth: September 3, 1830 50 39Hjortholm, Fodslette sogn
Death: November 12, 1912København
6 years
Birth: May 30, 1836 55 45Hjortholm, Fodslette sogn
Death: May 6, 1837